Namaste everyone,I am sahil kadam. Today I learn about programming languages types.
There are mainly three types of languages.
•first one is procedural
--specify a series of well structured steps and procedures to compose a program. -- its contents systematic enter of statements functions and command to complete a task.(c++, Java, python all this languages can perform procedural type.)
•Second one is functional.
--Writing a program only in pure functions. i.e never modify variables but only create new ones as as output. --used in situations where we have to perform lots of different operation on the same set of data. like ml. --first class function.(Java and python comes under this type)
•third one is object oriented
--in this type revolves around objects.It means the language can perform around classes and object. --it's develop to make it easier to develop,destroy, reuse and maintain software.(this 3 points are structured of a programming language)
Now the next part is static vs dynamic languages.
•static language
--perform type checking at compile time.(compile time means before it's getting run). --it will show errors at compile time. (If you write a equals to Kunal then compiler will not understand which type of is language). --declare data type before you use it (it means you should have to declare like this int a = 10;).
•Dynamic language
--perform checking at runtime. --errors will not show till program run. --no need to declare data types of variables in compiling time.
After this concept I learnt about memory management.
Now there is an example a equal to 10. Show the a is reference variable and 10 is object of that variable. The very important thing is there are two memory types the very first is stack memory and second one is heap memory when this example you will write in your program the will go or Store in stack memory and the object of that a means number 10 this will be stored Heap memory.
But this is not very important thing the have a very valuable essential concept he have 2 points.
First point -- more than one reference variables can to the same object.
Second point--is any once in reference variables try tochange the object then the original object will change and its going to be change for all reference variables.
•there is another chance for not having a variable to object. If I take equals to 10 and after sometime I declared a = 30 then memory will remove that 10 object because it does not have any variable that is why the memory management will consider 10 as a garbage.
In conclusion, we have delved into the different types of programming languages, specifically procedural, functional, and object-oriented languages. We have explored the contrast between static and dynamic languages, and the importance of understanding their differences. Furthermore, we have touched upon the concept of memory management, explaining how variables and objects are stored and manipulated. This knowledge forms the core foundation for any budding programmer and is fundamental in the journey from zero to FAANG.
Thank you so much for giving me this valuable knowledge and thank you for giving me idea to write a blog.